Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Pertemuan ke - 3

Nama        : Amelia
NPM          : 15209886
Kelas         : 4EA17

1.   Question Tags
A question tag or tag question is a grammatical structure in which a declarative statement or an imperative is turned into a question by adding an interrogative.

Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.
Fungsi Question Tags

Pada umumnya Question Tags berfungsi untuk meminta penegasan dari pendengar tentang sesuatu yang belum begitu meyakinkan pembicara atau dapat dikatakan untuk meminta persetujuan dari pendengar atas pernyataan yang diucapkan.

Kalimat :
a.       He is a doctor, isn’t he?
b.      You are not happy, are you?
c.       You Like Tea, don’t you?
d.      Desti isn’t here, is she?
e.       Aldi goes to school by bicycle, doesn’t he?
f.       I am a student, aren’t I?
g.      He has never gone to Surabaya, has he?
h.      He doesn’t like swimming, does he?
i.        She will invite us, won’t she?
j.        She seldom comes late, does she?

2.   Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian) adalah suatu bentuk kalimat majemuk yang dapat kita gunakan ketika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa sesuatu tersebut adalah suatu akibat atau konsekuensi yang tergantung pada situasi lainnya.Di dalamnya terdapat klausa pengandaian (IF CLAUSE) dan klausa akibat (RESULT CLAUSE). Pada bentuk conditional sentences kita menggunakan kata "if (jika)".
Kalimat :
a.       If I don’t eat breakfast, I always get hungry during class
b.      If I’m not busy, I come to your party
c.       If Heri were here right now, he would help us
d.      If I were you, I would accept this invitation
e.       If they had studied, they would have passed the exam
f.       If I had called Mega, she would have come here
g.      If I taught this class, I would not give tests
h.      If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
i.        If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
j.        If Doni had studied hard, he would have graduated from SMP

3.   Adjective & Adverb

Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda.

Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan.

Kalimat :
a.       This is a beautiful flower
b.      She’s an excellent dancer
c.       She has a cute puppy
d.      I’ve got a new apartment
e.       This chicken tastes delicious
f.       She can do math easily
g.      He didn’t do badly in his test
h.      She teaches simply and clearly
i.        He works happily every day
j.        You’re absolutely right!

4.   So and such

Penggunaan So & Such

So ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), atau noun phrase yang diawali dengan determiner, many, much, few, dan little.
Such diikuti oleh singular noun dengan artikel a atau plural noun.
Kalimat :
a.       The music is so loud I can't sleep.
b.      They are so creative and active
c.       I never knew you had so many brothers
d.      Mita drinks so much it is starting to interfere with his work
e.       I want to share so many stories
f.       They discussed such a hot issue
g.      The man carried such heavy suitcases
h.      Shelly has such beautiful eyes
i.        She is such a genius
j.        She usually doesn't receive such criticism

5.   Yes, no question
Yes - No question adalah pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban yes (ya) atau no (tidak).
Kalimat :
a.       Does your father work hard?
b.      Can’t he drive a car?
c.       Isn’t the earth flat?
d.      Should Iqbal see the dentist as soon as possible?
e.       Is Jerry kindhearted young man?
f.       Didn’t you see my sport shoes?
g.      Is she visiting Bali?
h.      Have they finished the homework?
i.        Does she go to library every day? 
j.        Did her mother go to the market?

6.   Little & a little 
A Little
        Kata ini dipakai untuk benda yang tidak bisa dihitung, seperti gula (sugar), garam (salt), air (udara), money (uang), water (air), dll. Kata a little mempunyai makna positif, dengan kata lain makna positif ini berarti si pembicara merasa puas, merasa cukup atas benda yang mengikuti sesudah kata a little tersebut.
        Perlu diketahui bahwa a little dan little itu berbeda, walau dalam bahasa Indonesia kita terjemahkan dengan kata yang sama yaitu 'sedikit' akan tetapi mempunyai makna yang berbeda. Di atas telah dijelaskan bahwa a little mempunyai makna positif dan  little mempunyai makna negatif.
Kalimat :
a.       I have a little orange juice
b.      I have a little money
c.       There is a little milk in the refrigerator
d.      She needs a little sugar
e.       He buy a little salt
f.       She has little for breakfast
g.      I save little money every month
h.      She drink little coffee
i.        She buy little water for wash
j.        He need little air for balloon

7.   Few & a few

A Few
Kata ini kebalikan dari a little, jika a little untuk benda yang tidak bisa dihitung, a few untuk benda yang bisa dihitung atau countable nouns. 

Few sama halnya dengan little, few mepunyai makna negatif.
Kalimat :
a.       Rina doesn't have a few pens
b.      A few cars are parked in the yard
c.       There are a few cats in the room
d.      I have a few books
e.       Dina has a few jacket
f.       She has few apples in refrigerator
g.      Rini buy few shirt
h.      He has few computer
i.        They have fewa ball for playing
j.        Wulan has few book

8.      Enough
Enough merupakan adverb of degree yang berarti “sampai batas yang dibutuhkan”.
Enough ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan).
Kalimat :
a.       We have enough money to buy our own apartment
b.      This jacket isn’t big enough for me
c.       He was competent enough for the job
d.      She speaks English well enough to go to an American university
e.       He drives slowly enough
f.       The juice is sweet enough
g.      We have enough time for a quick lunch
h.      This job isn’t good enough for her
i.        She’s old enough to drive a car
j.        He has enough time to eat some lunch

9.   Because & because of
Because dan because of digunakan sebagai frasa alasan atau sebab. ada perbedaan di antara keduanya:
o   because adalah kata sambung, dan diikuti oleh 'subyek' beserta 'kata kerja'. perhatikan bahwa 'because' langsung diikuti 'he' sebagai subyek dan 'feels' sebagai kata kerja.
o   because of adalah kata depan, karenanya diikuti dengan kata/frasa benda atau kata kerja bentuk -ing.
Because" and "because of" are used to give reasons or to indicate the source of a situation. They answer questions asked with the word "why."
"Because" is used with clauses. "Because of" is used with phrases and, sometimes, single words.
Kalimat :
a.       He can't go to the party because he feels sick
b.      The World Trade Center fell down because it was attacked by terrorists
c.       They went to the beach because it is cooler there
d.      We arrived late because the traffic was bad
e.       She did not buy it because the price was too high
f.       He is working hard because of his family welfare
g.      She had to study because of her exam next week
h.      He's feeling a lot of stress because of his job
i.        He could not play in the game because of his foot injury
j.        I do these all because of you

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